The Online Express

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Building a professional website is only the first step in your online marketing campaign. A website is only worth as much as the number of targeted visitors who find it. In one sense it doesn’t matter how good your products or services are if hardly anybody knows they exist.

These days, most people find out about businesses by searching for the products and services they need on search engines, and clicking on one of the first natural links (that is, not an Ad). If your website doesn’t rank (appear as one of the first few links) for search terms that describe exactly what you offer, internet users won’t find you and engage your services.

SEO involves optimising a website in order for it to be viewed more favourably by search engines. Google claims to monitor over 200 “signals” relating to a website’s presence on the internet in order to determine if and for what keywords it will rank.

What do you need?

Competent SEO Consultants

Nothing beats expert advice. We have years of experience working with content and optimising websites to increase their visibility on Google and the other major search engines such as Bing.

Proven SEO Strategies

We are constantly refining our techniques to improve your rank on Google naturally. Our proven SEO techniques have stood the test of time, helping our customers establish a successful online presence.

Increase Google Ranking

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) should be high on your priority list if you are intending to remain in your line of business for the long haul. Clicks from organic search are free, so it pays to rank on Google!

Can I do my own SEO?

You definitely can. One of the best ways to optimise your website for search engines is to maintain an active blog on your website, covering topics which are relevant to your business or which are likely to be of interest to your customers. Blogging regularly helps to send a convincing signal to search engines that you’re actively engaged in your industry, not planning to shut shop any time soon.

How Can I Measure the Success of the SEO
Being Done on my Website?

To gauge how successful an SEO campaign has been you can ask yourself one key question: For how many relevant and popular search terms does my website appear on the first page of Google’s search results? It is important to understand, however, that the results of the work you have invested in may take several months to take effect. There are no quick fixes in SEO. Our dedicated customer service team, based in our office in Sydney, is available during business hours to update you on the progress of your ranking and to answer all your questions.

Bringing Visitors to Your Website

SEO is purely designed to bring searchers to your website. While it provides you with the opportunity to sell, it doesn’t sell for you. Even though a successful SEO campaign means that many human beings find your website, the chances of the visitor becoming a customer or even contacting you depends on a whole range of other factors, which all lie outside the scope of SEO. As such, a highly successful SEO campaign should be combined with a solid underlying business, motivated staff and competitive pricing.

How can we help? Contact us today!

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